Einstein::Man Of The Century
Einstein is an instantly recognisable figure, an icon of intellect and free thinking. He was born in Ulm, Germany on March 14, 1879.
Popular legend indicates that he was a slow learner, learning to speak much later than is average.
Einstein lived in Berlin during World War I and publicly expressed dissatisfaction with German militarism. He suggested that warfare be abolished and an international organisation be set up to mediate between nations.
While Einstein was visiting the US in 1933, Hitler came to power. Einstein publicly criticised the racial and political policies of Hitler and declared that he would not return to Germany but would base himself at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton New Jersey as Professor.
In 1939 Einstein wrote his famous letter to President Roosevelt pointing out the possibilities of a nuclear bomb, and recommending US research into nuclear weapons. An ardent pacifist, he was prompted to do this by several prominent scientists and the thought that Hitler would develop such a bomb first.
A compassionate man, Einstein had a deep regard for his fellow humans. He had a keen sense of humour and loved children, often responding to their letters in a way that encouraged their inquisitiveness. He believed that humanity needed to create a moral order if it was to survive.
Einstein did not believe in the concept of a personal God, believing that the divine was revealed in the physical world.