Wednesday, March 28, 2007

What is???

What is round, white, and laughs a lot?
A tickled onion.
What is wet and slippery and likes Latin American music?
A conga eel.
What is the only kind of dog that you can eat?
A hot dog.
What is the best way to get in touch with your long-lost relatives?
Win the lottery.
What is a maniokleptic?
Someone who walks backwards into shops and leaves things behind.
What is the difference between an angry circus owner and a Roman barber?
One is a raving showman, and the other is a shaving Roman!
What's the difference between a well dressed man and a tired dog?
One wears a suit, and the other just pants.


  • one friend: My girlfriend loves nature.
other friend: That's very generous of her, considering what nature has done to her.

  • Why are great girlfriends hard to find?
Because the right girls are like parking spaces - all the best ones are taken and the ones available are handicapped.

  • A girl walked into a shop to buy curtains.
She went up to the salesman and said, "I want those curtains in pink, the size of my computer screen.
The salesman said, "Computers don't need curtains."
She said, "Hellooo, I have windows.

  • Men are like a pack of cards, you need a heart to love them, a diamond to marry them, a club to batter them, and a spade to bury them.

  • Teacher: Kaushik, why have you not given me your homework?

Kaushik: I made it into a paper aeroplane and someone hijacked it.

  • Father: Son, what are your results in the end of term examination?

Son: Underwater.Father: What do you mean, underwater?Son: Below "C" level.


Top Ten Material Moments

Bessemer Process
In 1856,Henery Bessemer processed it which led to massive progress in indudtrialisation
at No............10........

X-Ray Diffraction
X-ray Diffraction Done first by Max Von Laue in position 9.

Approx 5000 B.C.,people the region now the modern turkey discoved the Extraction and casting from metal at No.8.

Extraction N Casting

Around 300 B.C. developed by South India workers
Crucible Steel Making

Modern Concrete

Invented by John Smeaton in 1775 holds No.6.

In 1668, Anton Van Leeuwenhoek developed optical Microscopy holds No.5.

Invention Of Glass

at 2200 B.C.
North Western Iranians
invented this holds No.4

1948 Revolution......

Invented by John Bardeen ,Walter H Brattain and

William Shockley.....Transistor at No.3

Top Ten Material Moments

Devised by Mendeleleveev holds No.1 position..Period Table

Iron Smelting
Egiptians smelts iron around 3500 B.C.
holds No.2