Einstein could not grasp which of these elementary school subjects, leading him into a mini depression?
Polytechnic classmate and lifelong friend Marcel Grossman, used his father's influence to get Einstein a job in which countries patent office?
Switzerland. This position was a saviour for the now 23-year-old Einstein who had failed to get a permanent teaching or academic position after graduation. He was completely penniless. The job also allowed Einstein the time to develop his theories.
In 1905, the final jigsaw pieces of the special theory of relativity came to Einstein where?
In his sleep. Einstein is quoted as saying this about the discovery: "A storm broke loose in my mind and with it came the answers." A friend had later said: "He has tapped into gods' thoughts and tuned into the master plan for the universe."
1905 was a very busy year for Einstein. 'Relativity' was his fourth paper. The fifth that year was on the photoelectric effect. By applying this great scientists' quantum theory of light, Einstein helped to establish quantum mechanics.
Who was this great German scientist and idol to Einstein?
Einstein summed up the special theory of relativity in a magazine review a few years later with the now legendary equation E=mc2. How does this translate?
What did Einstein win a Nobel Prize for in 1922, 17 years after relativity was first published?
Einstein first visited the United States of America in April, 1921. What was the purpose for the visit?
What did Edgar Hoover suspect so strongly, that he committed thousands of FBI man-hours in unsuccessfully trying to convict Einstein?
Einstein was a communist. Although Hoover suspected Einstein was a communist he would never put his money were his mouth was and approve phone tapping or mail interception in fear of the backlash against the FBI if they were discovered - Einstein was too popular a figure. After many years and thousands of hours work, Hoover dropped the case against Einstein and his secretary Helen Dukas. They had collected 6 feet of files, all proving nothing. Later, friends said Einstein would have found the whole affair highly amusing.
One of the reasons it took 30 years for the majority of scientists to support relativity was that it dispelled the mythical existence of the ether. Ether was described as an infinite, jelly like substance, which was the medium for the propagation of electromagnetic waves.
Amazing but true. The existence of the ether was (incorrectly) proven many times to support Maxwell's unified theory that light consist of electromagnetic waves. The waves needed a medium to travel upon, and the medium was believed to be an elastic, mass-less solid called the ether. Relativity shattered this belief but the existence of ether was so firmly entrenched in many great minds that they refused to comprehend its non existence and labelled Einstein a fraud.
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